Package net.sf.freecol.client.gui.panel
Contains the panel classes deriving from
or FreeColPanel
- Since:
- 0.2.1, 0.11.7 Broken into multiple sections' for Colopedia and Report panels and with dialog label and tooltip displays removed to their own packages.
Interface Summary Interface Description DropTarget -
Class Summary Class Description AboutPanel This is the About panelBuildingPanel This panel represents a single building in a Colony.BuildQueuePanel The panel used to display a colony build queue.BuildQueuePanel.IndexedBuildable This class represents a buildable, that is dragged/dropped accompanied by its index in the source list where it is dragged from.CargoPanel A panel that holds units and goods that represent Units and cargo that are on board the currently selected ship.ChatPanel This is the panel that pops up when the user wants to send a message to the other players.ClassicMapControls A collection of panels and buttons that are used to provide the user with a more detailed view of certain elements on the map and also to provide a means of input in case the user can't use the keyboard.ColonyPanel This is a panel for the Colony display.ColorCellEditor A table cell editor that can be used to edit colors.ColorCellRenderer A table cell renderer that should be used to display the chosen color in a table.ColorChooserPanel This class represents a panel that holds a JColorChooser and OK and cancel buttons.ConstructionPanel This panel shows the progress of constructing a building or unit in a colony.CornerMapControls A collection of panels and buttons that are used to provide the user with a more detailed view of certain elements on the map and also to provide a means of input in case the user can't use the keyboard.DeclarationPanel This panel displays the signing of the Declaration of Independence.DefaultTransferHandler ATransferHandler
s.DefaultTransferHandler.FreeColDragGestureRecognizer DefaultTransferHandler.FreeColDragHandler This is the default drag handler for drag and drop operations that use theTransferHandler
.DragListener A DragListener should be attached to Swing components that have a TransferHandler attached.DropListener A DropListener should be attached to Swing components that have a TransferHandler attached.ErrorPanel This is the panel that pops up when an error needs to be reported.EuropePanel This is a panel for the Europe display.EuropePanel.EuropeButton EventPanel This panel is displayed when an imporantant event in the game has happened.FindSettlementPanel Centers the map on a known settlement or colony.FindSettlementPanel.SettlementRenderer FreeColButton FreeColImageBorder A border created from a set of images.FreeColPanel Superclass for all panels in FreeCol.FreeColProgressBar Implements a simple progress bar suitable for use with FreeCol.GoodsTypePanel Simple panel for a goods type.ImageSelection Represents an image selection that can be selected and dragged/dropped to/from Swing components.IndianSettlementPanel This panel is used to show information about an Indian settlement.InfoPanel The InfoPanel is a wrapper for several informative displays in the lower right corner.InformationPanel A general panel for information display.InPortPanel This class displays the carriers present in a port.MainPanel The initial panel where the user chooses from the main modes of operation.MapControls A collection of panels and buttons that are used to provide the user with a more detailed view of certain elements on the map and also to provide a means of input in case the user can't use the keyboard.MapEditorTransformPanel A panel for choosing the currentMapTransform
.MapEditorTransformPanel.LostCityRumourTransform MapEditorTransformPanel.RiverStyleTransform MapEditorTransformPanel.RiverTransform MapEditorTransformPanel.TileTypeTransform MigPanel A panel that clears its layout on close, working around a bug in some versions of MigLayout.MiniMap This component draws a small version of the map.NewPanel This dialog allows the user to start a single player or multiplayer game, to join a running game, and to fetch a list of games from the meta-server.NewUnitPanel The panel that allows a user to pay for a new unit in Europe.PlayersTable The table of players.PlayersTable.AdvantageCellEditor A table cell editor that can be used to select a nation.PlayersTable.AdvantageCellRenderer PlayersTable.AvailableCellRenderer PlayersTable.HeaderListener PlayersTable.HeaderRenderer PlayersTable.NationStateRenderer PlayersTable.PlayerCellEditor PlayersTable.PlayerCellRenderer PlayersTable.PlayersTableModel The TableModel for the players table.PortPanel This class provides common functionality for panels that display ports, such as the ColonyPanel and the EuropePanel.PurchasePanel The panel that allows a user to purchase a new unit in Europe.QuickActionMenu Handles the generation of popup menu's generated by DragListener objects attached to units within the Colony and Europe panels.RecruitPanel The panel that allows a user to recruit people in Europe.ServerListPanel This panel is used to display the information received from the meta-server.ServerListPanel.ServerListTableCellRenderer ServerListTableModel StartGamePanel The panel where you choose your nation and color and connected players are shown.StatisticsPanel Display the current game statistics.StatisticsPanel.StatisticsModel StatusPanel APanel
for showing status information on screen.TilePanel This panel is used to show information about a tile.TradeRouteInputPanel Allows the user to edit trade routes.TradeRouteInputPanel.StopListTransferable TradeRoutePanel Allows the user to edit trade routes.TrainPanel The panel that allows a user to train a new unit in Europe.UnitButton A button with a set of images which is used to give commands to a unit with the mouse instead of the keyboard.UnitButton.UnitButtonActionPropertyChangeListener UnitPanel This class provides common functionality for sub-panels of a PortPanel that display UnitLabels.Utility Static utilities for panels and dialogs.WorkProductionPanel Display the production of a unit. -
Enum Summary Enum Description EuropePanel.EuropeAction FindSettlementPanel.DisplayListOption FreeColButton.ButtonStyle InfoPanel.InfoPanelMode NewPanel.NewPanelAction The actions for this panel.