- The language to use. Some languages are spoken in
more than one country. In this case, you might also be able to select
a specific country. If the translation you choose is not complete, the
missing strings will be taken from another language file. This could
be the default translation for your language or the English language
version. If you selected Austrian German, for example, missing strings
would be taken from the default German translation if available, and
the English language version otherwise.
- The minimum number of goods to display with a counter. If you
accept the default setting of seven, for example, six hammers will be
displayed without a number, and seven hammers will be displayed with
the number
on top. Note that some panels only show a single
item with a number next to it or below it anyway.
- The maximum number of goods to display. If you accept the
default setting of seven, then no more than seven items will be
displayed, even if the corresponding counter tells you that these
seven items represent a far larger amount.
- Whether to center on the selected tile automatically.
- Whether to center on the active unit always.
- Whether to display the Fog of War, which enables you to
see which tiles are currently visible to your units..
- Whether to scroll the map when dragging with the mouse.
- Whether to display the compass rose in
the top right hand corner of the map. The compass rose enables you
to direct your units with the mouse as well as the keypad. This is
particularly useful if you play with a small keyboard, such as a
laptop keyboard, which does not have a keypad.
- Whether to display the map controls, which include the
minimap, the info panel
and the unit buttons.
- Whether to display the map grid.
- Whether to display tile names, owners, regions or none of the
- Whether to sort your colonies by name, age, position, size or
Sons of Liberty membership. Since name, age and position are unique,
these keys impose a total order, whereas size and Sons of Liberty
membership do not. In the case of size, the Sons of Liberty membership
is used as a secondary key, and vice versa.
- How to animate the movements of your own units.
- How to animate the movements of enemy units.
- How to display the minimap:
- Whether to attempt smooth rendering.
- Which background color to use.
- Which zoom level to use as default.
Stian Grenborgen