You can choose whether to group messages by type, by source, or not at
all. The source of the message is a game object, typically a colony or
unit, and the type of the message is either the default type, which is
always displayed, or one of the following types, which can be turned
- Warning messages. These are important and should generally not
be turned off.
- Messages about the Sons of Liberty membership in your colonies.
- Messages about the efficiency of the government in your
colonies. The efficiency of the government influences the production
of all types of goods.
- Messages about the number of goods in your colonies'
- Messages about units improving through experience, education or
promotion after a battle won.
- Messages about units being demoted after a battle lost.
- Messages about new units, such as colonists born in your
- Messages about units lost in battle, missing in action or dead
of starvation.
- Messages about the completion of buildings in your colonies.
- Foreign diplomatic messages about the declaration of wars and
signing of peace treaties.
- Messages about the prices of goods in Europe changing.
- Messages about reduced production due to missing goods.
- Warnings about the suitability of colony sites. These messages
are particularly useful for new players. Turn them on if you are
unsure where to establish your colonies.
- Messages about the factors that influence combat. Turn them on
to learn more about things like the terrain bonus, the ambush bonus,
or the ``artillery in the open'' penalty.
- Tutorial messages. These are still a work in progress and thus
rather limited.
Stian Grenborgen