Git Repository Usage
Git is the tool we use for storing our source code in a central
location. This system allows everyone to have their own copy of the source code.
You can read more about Git at
If you just wish to take a quick look at the the code, you may use
the web-based interface.
Development branches
We are sometimes developing two versions of FreeCol at the same time: the master version and a stable branch. The former will contain the in development version and will probably be buggy for some time, while the latter is only updated when creating stable releases and rarely when preparing bugfixes for next stable release. Usually, only the master branch is being worked on though.
Download and Build
There are several ways to download a git repository for FreeCol available here and at the occasionally updated mirror. In order to compile the game you will need a Java Virtual Machine version 1.8 or higher and a recent version of Ant.