All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbandonColonyMessage |
The message sent when the client requests abandoning of a colony.
Ability |
The Ability class encapsulates a bonus or penalty
that can be applied to any action within the game, most obviously
AboutAction |
An action for displaying an about box with version numbers.
AboutPanel |
This is the About panel
AbstractCanvasListener |
The outline of a canvas listener.
AbstractGoods |
Represents a certain amount of a GoodsType.
AbstractGoodsLabel |
This label represents AbstractGoods.
AbstractMission |
The AbstractMission provides basic methods for building Missions.
AbstractOption<T> |
The super class of all options.
AbstractUnit |
Contains the information necessary to create a new unit.
AbstractUnitOption |
Represents an option where the valid choice is an AbstractUnit.
AbstractUnitOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for an
AbstractUnitOption in order to enable
values to be both seen and changed.
AbstractUnitOptionUI.AbstractUnitRenderer |
AbstractUnitOptionUI.RoleRenderer |
ActionManager |
Stores all FreeColActions and retrieves them by identifier.
AddPlayerMessage |
The message sent to add or update players to the game.
AIColony |
Objects of this class contains AI-information for a single Colony .
AIGoods |
Objects of this class contains AI-information for a single Goods .
AIInGameInputHandler |
Handles the network messages that arrives while in the game.
AIMain |
The main AI-class.
AIMessage |
Wrapper class for AI message handling.
AIObject |
An AIObject contains AI-related information and methods.
AIPlayer |
Objects of this class contains AI-information for a single Player and is used for controlling this player.
AIServerAPI |
Implementation of the ServerAPI for an AI without neither attached
GUI nor real connection to the server.
AIUnit |
Objects of this class contains AI-information for a single Unit .
AnimateAttackMessage |
The message sent to tell a client to show an attack animation.
AnimateMoveMessage |
The message sent to tell a client to show a movement animation.
Animation |
The base class for the animations.
AnimationEvent |
An event created by an animation.
Animations |
A facade for animations.
Animations.Procedure |
Trivial wrapper for zero-argument-zero-return function,
used as a callback for an animation to trigger painting.
AskSkillMessage |
The message sent when asking for the skill taught at a settlement.
AssignTeacherMessage |
The message sent when assigning a teacher.
AssignTradeRouteAction |
An action for assigning a trade route to the currently selected unit.
AssignTradeRouteMessage |
The message sent when assigning a trade route to a unit.
AttackMessage |
The message sent when attacking.
AttributeMessage |
The basic message with optional attributes.
AudioMixerOption |
Option for selecting an audio mixer.
AudioMixerOption.MixerWrapper |
A wrapper for the mixer, including the Mixer.Info including a
potentially null value.
AudioMixerOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for an
in order to enable values to be both seen and changed.
AudioResource |
A Resource wrapping a File containing sounds.
BaseCostDecider |
Class for determining the cost of a single move.
BaseProduction |
BeachTileAnimationImageCreator |
Class for generating the combined animated image for ocean and beach
based on ocean image masks.
BooleanOption |
Represents an option that can be either true
or false.
BooleanOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for a
BooleanOption in order to enable
values to be both seen and changed.
BuildableType |
Contains information on buildable types.
BuildColonyAction |
An action for using the active unit to build a colony.
BuildColonyMessage |
The message sent when the client requests building of a colony.
BuildColonyMission |
Mission for building a Colony .
Building |
Represents a building in a colony.
BuildingDetailPanel |
This panel displays details of buildings in the Colopedia.
BuildingPanel |
This panel represents a single building in a Colony.
BuildingToolTip |
A tooltip for a single building in a Colony.
BuildingType |
Encapsulates data common to all instances of a particular kind of
Building , such as the number of workplaces, and the types
of goods it produces and consumes.
BuildQueue<T extends BuildableType> |
A queue of things for a colony to build.
BuildQueue.CompletionAction |
BuildQueuePanel |
The panel used to display a colony build queue.
BuildQueuePanel.IndexedBuildable |
This class represents a buildable, that is dragged/dropped
accompanied by its index in the source list where it is dragged from.
CachingFunction<T,R> |
Wrapper for a Function that caches its results.
Canvas |
The main container for the other GUI components in FreeCol.
Canvas.ToolBoxFrame |
A class for frames being used as tool boxes.
CanvasMapEditorMouseListener |
Listens to the mouse being moved at the level of the Canvas.
CanvasMapViewer |
A component using MapViewer to display the map, or to display
various background images when the map is unavailable.
CanvasMouseListener |
Listens to mouse buttons being pressed at the level of the Canvas.
CanvasMouseMotionListener |
Listens to the mouse being moved at the level of the Canvas.
CaptureGoodsDialog |
Panel for choosing the goods to capture.
CaptureGoodsDialog.CheckBoxRenderer |
CaptureGoodsDialog.GoodsItem |
Cargo |
An class describing the action needed to make progress in a
transportation action for a specific transportable.
Cargo.CargoMode |
The actions to perform at the target.
Cargo.CargoPlan |
Container for a plan for a transportable to get to TWAIT where
a carrier collects it from CWAIT (may equal TWAIT) and takes it
to CDST, whence the transportable goes to TDST (may equal
CargoLabel |
An interface used for updating a CargoPanel to add or
remove a Component
CargoPanel |
A panel that holds units and goods that represent Units and cargo
that are on board the currently selected ship.
CashInTreasureTrainMessage |
The message sent when cashing in a treasure train.
CashInTreasureTrainMission |
Mission for cashing in a treasure train.
CenterAction |
An action for centering the view on the active unit.
ChangeAction |
An action for changing the view.
ChangeSet |
Changes to be sent to the client.
ChangeSet.AttackChange |
Encapsulate an attack.
ChangeSet.AttributeChange |
Encapsulate an attribute change.
ChangeSet.Change<T extends Message> |
Abstract template for all types of Change.
ChangeSet.FeatureChange |
Encapsulate a feature change.
ChangeSet.MessageChange<T extends Message> |
Encapsulate a Message.
ChangeSet.MoveChange |
Encapsulate a move.
ChangeSet.ObjectChange |
Encapsulate a FreeColGameObject update.
ChangeSet.PartialObjectChange<T extends FreeColGameObject> |
Encapsulate a partial update of a FreeColGameObject.
ChangeSet.PlayerChange |
Encapsulate a new player change.
ChangeSet.RemoveChange |
Encapsulates removing some objects.
ChangeSet.See |
Class to control the visibility of a change.
ChangeSet.SeeCheck |
Result of a visibility check.
ChangeSet.SpyChange |
Encapsulates a spying action.
ChangeSet.StanceChange |
Encapsulate a stance change.
ChangeStateMessage |
The message sent when changing a unit state.
ChangeWindowedModeAction |
An action for toggling between full-screen and windowed mode.
ChangeWorkImprovementTypeMessage |
The message sent when changing a work improvement type.
ChangeWorkTypeMessage |
The message sent when changing the work type of a unit.
ChatAction |
An action for initiating chatting.
ChatDisplay |
ChatDisplay manages use of GUIMessage .
ChatMessage |
The message that contains a chat string.
ChatPanel |
This is the panel that pops up when the user wants to send a
message to the other players.
ChoiceItem<T> |
ChooseFoundingFatherDialog |
This panel displays the different Founding Fathers the player can work
towards recruiting.
ChooseFoundingFatherMessage |
The message sent to choose a founding father.
ClaimLandMessage |
The message sent when the client requests claiming land.
ClassicMapControls |
A collection of panels and buttons that are used to provide the
user with a more detailed view of certain elements on the map and
also to provide a means of input in case the user can't use the
ClearOrdersAction |
An action for clearing the active unit's orders.
ClearSpecialityMessage |
The message sent when clearing a unit speciality.
ClientInputHandler |
Message handler implementation for the client side.
ClientOptions |
Defines how available client options are displayed on the Setting
dialog from File/Preferences Also contains several Comparators used
for display purposes.
ClientOptionsDialog |
CloseMessage |
A message sent to clients to signal that a panel should be closed.
CollectionUtils |
Collection of small static helper methods using Collections.
ColonizationMapLoader |
Just pass the name of a Colonization map file (with extension ".MP").
ColonizationMapReader |
Just pass the name of a Colonization map file (with extension ".MP").
ColonizationSaveGameReader |
ColonizationSaveGameReader.Colonist |
ColonizationSaveGameReader.ColonyData |
ColonizationSaveGameReader.GameData |
ColonizationSaveGameReader.PlayerData |
Colony |
Represents a colony.
Colony.ColonyChangeEvent |
Colony.NoBuildReason |
Reasons for not building a buildable.
Colony.TileImprovementSuggestion |
Container class for tile exploration or improvement suggestions.
ColonyPanel |
This is a panel for the Colony display.
ColonyPlan |
Objects of this class describes the plan the AI has for a
Colony .
ColonyPlan.BuildPlan |
The things to build, and their priority.
ColonyPlan.ProfileType |
The profile of the colony (a sort of general flavour).
ColonyTile |
Represents a work location on a tile.
ColonyTradeItem |
A trade item consisting of a colony.
ColonyWas |
Helper container to remember a colony state prior to some
change, and fire off any consequent property changes.
ColopediaAction |
Displays a section of the Colopedia.
ColopediaAction.PanelType |
ColopediaDetailPanel<T> |
This panel displays the Colopedia.
ColopediaGameObjectTypePanel<T extends FreeColSpecObjectType> |
This panel displays details of game objects in the Colopedia.
ColopediaPanel |
This panel displays the Colopedia.
ColopediaTreeCellRenderer |
This TreeCellRenderer is responsible for rendering tree items in
the Colopedia.
ColopediaTreeItem |
TreeCellItems are used to represent the name and icon of a node in
the Colopedia's tree.
ColorCellEditor |
A table cell editor that can be used to edit colors.
ColorCellRenderer |
A table cell renderer that should be used to display the chosen
color in a table.
ColorChooserPanel |
This class represents a panel that holds a JColorChooser and OK
and cancel buttons.
ColorResource |
A Resource wrapping a Color .
CombatModel |
A abstract requirements for a FreeCol combat model.
CombatModel.CombatOdds |
Odds a particular outcome will occur in combat.
CombatModel.CombatResult |
CompactLabourReport |
This panel displays the Labour Report.
CompoundMission |
The CompoundMission provides a wrapper for several more basic
Missions that will be carried out in order.
ConceptDetailPanel |
This panel displays the concepts within the Colopedia.
ConceptDetailPanel.ConceptEditorPane |
ConfirmDeclarationDialog |
A dialog used to confirm the declaration of independence.
ConfirmDeclarationDialog.ColorButton |
A button for a colour.
ConfirmDeclarationDialog.EnumRenderer<T> |
Simple renderer for Messages with a prefix.
ConnectController |
The controller responsible for starting a server and connecting to it.
Connection |
A network connection.
ConnectionVerificationMessage |
Constants |
Contains the constants.
Constants.ArmedUnitSettlementAction |
Actions when an armed unit contacts a settlement.
Constants.BoycottAction |
Actions when dealing with a boycott.
Constants.ClaimAction |
Actions when claiming land.
Constants.IndianDemandAction |
Actions surrounding native demands at colonies.
Constants.IntegrityType |
The result of checkIntegrity.
Constants.MissionaryAction |
Actions with a missionary at a native settlement.
Constants.ScoutColonyAction |
Actions in scouting a colony.
Constants.ScoutIndianSettlementAction |
Actions in scouting a native settlement.
Constants.TradeAction |
Choice of sales action at a native settlement.
Constants.TradeBuyAction |
Actions when buying from the natives.
Constants.TradeSellAction |
Actions when selling to the natives.
ConstructionPanel |
This panel shows the progress of constructing a building or
unit in a colony.
Consumer |
Objects implementing the Consumer interface consume Goods.
ContinueAction |
Action to load and start the most recent save game of the client.
ContinueMessage |
A trivial message sent to the server to signal that the game should
Controller |
The control object that is responsible for making changes to the internal
model and for communicating with the clients.
CornerMapControls |
A collection of panels and buttons that are used to provide the
user with a more detailed view of certain elements on the map and
also to provide a means of input in case the user can't use the
CostDecider |
Determines the cost of a single move.
CostDeciders |
Cost deciders to be used while finding paths.
CostDeciders.AvoidNavalDangerCostDecider |
A CostDecider to avoid naval danger.
CostDeciders.AvoidSettlementsAndBlockingUnitsCostDecider |
A CostDecider that costs unit moves normally while
avoiding other player settlements and units, and does not explore
if it is trading.
CostDeciders.AvoidSettlementsCostDecider |
A CostDecider that costs unit moves normally while
avoiding other player settlements.
CostDeciders.ServerBaseCostDecider |
A CostDecider that uses server-side knowledge of where
a player has explored to limit searches.
CostDeciders.TileCostDecider |
A simple CostDecider that considers only the base tile
DebugAction |
Switch debug mode on.
DebugMenu |
The menu that appears in debug mode.
DebugUtils |
Utilities for in-game debug support.
DeclarationPanel |
This panel displays the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
DeclareIndependenceAction |
An action for declaring independence.
DeclareIndependenceMessage |
The message sent when a player declares independence.
DeclineMoundsMessage |
The message sent when declining to investigate strange mounds.
DefaultHandler |
The default handler for FreeCol's log records.
DefaultNumberRule |
This class handles zero or one rule for each number category.
DefaultTransferHandler |
A TransferHandler for ImageSelection Transferable s.
DefaultTransferHandler.FreeColDragGestureRecognizer |
DefaultTransferHandler.FreeColDragHandler |
This is the default drag handler for drag and drop operations that
use the TransferHandler .
DefendSettlementMission |
Mission for defending a Settlement .
DeleteTradeRouteMessage |
The message sent when deleting a trade route.
DeliverGiftMessage |
The message sent when delivering a gift to a Settlement.
DemandTributeMessage |
The message sent when demanding tribute from a native settlement.
DesktopEntry |
Generate a desktop entry file.
DetermineHighSeasAction |
An action for determining the high seas tiles.
DialogHandler<T> |
The interface for non-modal dialog handlers.
DifficultyDialog |
Dialog for displaying and modifying the difficulty level.
DiplomacyMessage |
The message sent when executing a diplomatic trade.
DiplomacySession |
A type of session to handle diplomacy.
DiplomaticTrade |
The class DiplomaticTrade represents an offer one
player can make another.
DiplomaticTrade.TradeContext |
A context for the trade.
DiplomaticTrade.TradeStatus |
A type for the trade status.
Direction |
The directions a Unit can move to.
Disaster |
This class describes disasters that can happen to a Colony, such as
flooding, disease or Indian raids.
Disaster.Effects |
Whether to apply one, many or all applicable disasters.
DisbandUnitAction |
An action for disbanding the active unit.
DisbandUnitMessage |
The message sent when disbanding a unit.
DisconnectMessage |
A trivial message to indicate disconnection.
DisembarkMessage |
The message sent when disembarking.
DisplayBordersAction |
An action to toggle the display of national borders.
DisplayFogOfWarAction |
An action to toggle the display of national borders.
DisplayGridAction |
An action to toggle the display of the map grid.
DisplayTileTextAction |
Display text over tiles.
DisplayTileTextAction.DisplayText |
Draggable |
DragListener |
A DragListener should be attached to Swing components that have a
TransferHandler attached.
DropListener |
A DropListener should be attached to Swing components that have a
TransferHandler attached.
DropTarget |
DualNumberRule |
Number optimized for languages that distinguish the categories one,
two and other.
DummyConnection |
A dummy connection, used for AI players.
DumpCargoDialog |
This panel is used to handle dumping cargo.
EditOptionDialog |
Dialog to edit options with.
EditSettlementDialog |
This dialog is used to edit an Indian settlement (map editor only).
Effect |
The effect of a natural disaster or other event.
EmbarkMessage |
The message sent when embarking.
EmigrateUnitMessage |
The message sent when a unit is to emigrate.
EmigrationDialog |
The panel that allows a user to choose which unit will emigrate from Europe.
EndTurnAction |
An action for ending the turn.
EndTurnDialog |
Centers the map on a known settlement or colony.
EndTurnDialog.UnitWrapper |
We need to wrap the Unit class in order to make the JList
support keystroke navigation.
EndTurnMessage |
A trivial message to inform the server that the client has finished
its turn.
EnterRevengeModeMessage |
A trivial message sent to the server when then client requests
entry to revenge mode.
EquipForRoleMessage |
The message sent to equip a unit for a particular role.
ErrorMessage |
The message sent when an error occurs.
ErrorPanel |
This is the panel that pops up when an error needs to be reported.
Europe |
Represents Europe in the game.
Europe.MigrationType |
Migration handling.
EuropeAction |
EuropeanAIPlayer |
Objects of this class contains AI-information for a single European
Player and is used for controlling this player.
EuropeanNationType |
Represents one of the European nations present in the game,
EuropePanel |
This is a panel for the Europe display.
EuropePanel.EuropeAction |
EuropePanel.EuropeButton |
EuropeWas |
Helper container to remember the Europe state prior to some
change, and fire off any consequent property changes.
Event |
A special game event.
EventPanel |
This panel is displayed when an imporantant event in the game has happened.
ExecuteGotoOrdersAction |
An action for executing goto orders immediately.
ExportData |
Objects of this class hold the export data for a particular type of
FAFile |
Represents the data within a Font Animation File.
FAFile.CREatingInputStream |
This utility class removes all CR:s from an InputStream .
FAFile.FALetter |
FAFile.FAName |
FAFileResource |
A Resource wrapping a FAFile .
FatherDetailPanel |
This panel displays details of founding fathers in the Colopedia.
Feature |
The Feature class encapsulates a bonus or penalty
that can be applied to any action within the game, most obviously
FeatureChangeMessage |
The message sent when to add or remove a feature.
FeatureContainer |
A container to hold abilities and modifiers for some FreeColObject-subclass.
FileOption |
Represents an option for specifying a File .
FileOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for a
FileOption in order to enable values
to be both seen and changed.
FindSettlementAction |
An action for finding a settlement on the map.
FindSettlementPanel |
Centers the map on a known settlement or colony.
FindSettlementPanel.DisplayListOption |
FindSettlementPanel.SettlementRenderer |
FirstContactDialog |
Dialog to display on first contact with a native player.
FirstContactMessage |
The message sent when making first contact between players.
Flag |
This class generates the most common types of flags from a small
number of parameters, biased towards flags similar to that of the
United States, i.e.
Flag.Alignment |
The alignment of stripes or other design elements on the
Flag.Background |
The "background layer" of the flag, generally one or several
squares or triangles of different color.
Flag.Decoration |
The "middle layer" of the flag, generally a number of vertical,
horizontal or diagonal bars.
Flag.UnionPosition |
The position of the "union", which depends on the alignment of
the background.
Flag.UnionShape |
The shape of the "union", which generally depends on the
decoration or background of the flag.
FlagTest |
FontLibrary |
Wraps anything Font related.
FontLibrary.FontType |
FontType is used for choosing the typeface of the Font .
FontResource |
A Resource wrapping a Font .
Force |
A group of units with a common origin and purpose.
ForestMaker |
Generate forest tiles.
ForestMaker.ImageLocation |
FortifyAction |
An action for fortifying the active unit.
FoundingFather |
Represents one FoundingFather to be contained in a Player object.
FoundingFather.FoundingFatherType |
FountainOfYouthMessage |
The message that contains a fountainOfYouth string.
FrameMotionListener |
The mouse adapter to handle frame movement.
FreeCol |
This class is responsible for handling the command-line arguments
and starting either the stand-alone server or the client-GUI.
FreeCol.LogLevel |
The levels of logging in this game.
FreeColAction |
The super class of all actions in FreeCol.
FreeColActionUI |
User interface for displaying/changing a keyboard accelerator for a
FreeColAction .
FreeColBrightPanelUI |
Draw the "image.background.FreeColBrightPanel" resource as a tiled
background image.
FreeColButton |
FreeColButton.ButtonStyle |
FreeColButtonUI |
FreeColCheckBoxUI |
Sets the default opaque attribute to false.
FreeColCheckBoxUI.CheckBoxIcon |
FreeColChoiceDialog<T> |
A simple modal choice dialog.
FreeColClient |
The main control class for the FreeCol client.
FreeColClientHolder |
This base class provides access to a
FreeColClient for several subclasses.
FreeColComboBoxRenderer<T> |
A ListCellRenderer to be used by
FreeColListUI and JComboBox es that
display ObjectWithId values.
FreeColComboBoxRenderer.NormalComponent |
FreeColComboBoxRenderer.SelectedComponent |
FreeColComboBoxUI |
Sets the default opaque attribute to false.
FreeColConfirmDialog |
A simple modal ok/cancel dialog.
FreeColDataFile |
Support for reading a FreeCol data file.
FreeColDebugger |
High-level debug handling.
FreeColDebugger.DebugMode |
The debug modes, any of which may be active.
FreeColDialog<T> |
Superclass for all dialogs in FreeCol.
FreeColDialog.DialogType |
FreeColDirectories |
Simple container for the freecol file and directory structure model.
FreeColException |
The Exception thrown by the FreeCol application.
FreeColFileChooserUI |
UI for the file chooser.
FreeColFormattedTextFieldUI |
FreeColFrame |
The base frame for FreeCol.
FreeColGameObject |
The superclass of all game objects in FreeCol.
FreeColGameObjectListener |
Interface for retriving information about
a the creation/deletion of FreeColGameObject s.
FreeColImageBorder |
A border created from a set of images.
FreeColInputDialog<T> |
A FreeColDialog with input field/s.
FreeColLabel |
A simple wrapper for JLabel
All members of the net.sf.freecol.client.gui.label
package extend this abstract class.
FreeColLabelUI |
Sets the default opaque attribute to false.
FreeColListUI |
UI-class for lists, such as the drop down list of colonies in the
Colony panel.
FreeColLookAndFeel |
Implements the FreeCol look and feel.
FreeColLookAndFeel.FreeColMetalTheme |
FreeColMapLoader |
Load a FreeCol map.
FreeColMenuBar |
The menu bar that is displayed on the top left corner of the
Canvas .
FreeColMenuBarUI |
Use the "image.background.FreeColMenuBar" resource as a tiled background
image on FreeColMenuBar, such as that at the top of the window.
FreeColMenuItemUI |
UI-class for menu items.
FreeColMenuTest |
Test the menus.
FreeColModFile |
A wrapped for a file containing a FreeCol modification (mod).
FreeColObject |
The FreeCol root class.
FreeColOptionPaneUI |
Draw the "image.background.FreeColOptionPane" resource as a tiled
background image.
FreeColPanel |
Superclass for all panels in FreeCol.
FreeColPanelUI |
Draw the "image.background.FreeColPanel" resource as a tiled background image.
FreeColPopupMenuUI |
Draw the "image.background.FreeColPopupMenu" resource as a tiled
background image on popup menus, such as the drop down from the
menu bar at the top of the main window or the tile popup.
FreeColProgressBar |
Implements a simple progress bar suitable for use with
FreeColRadioButtonUI |
Sets the default opaque attribute to false.
FreeColSavegameFile |
Represents a FreeCol savegame.
FreeColScrollPaneUI |
UI-class for scroll panes.
FreeColSeed |
A wrapper for the pseudo-random number generator seed.
FreeColSelectedPanelUI |
Draws with partial transparency.
FreeColServer |
The main control class for the FreeCol server.
FreeColServer.ServerState |
The server is either starting, loading, being played, or ending.
FreeColServerHolder |
This base class provides thread-safe access to a
FreeColServer for several subclasses.
FreeColSpecObject |
A FreeColObject that also contains a Specification.
FreeColSpecObjectType |
The base class for all types defined by the specification.
FreeColSpinnerUI |
FreeColStringInputDialog |
A simple input dialog to collect a string.
FreeColTableHeaderUI |
UI-class for table headers.
FreeColTableUI |
UI-class for tables.
FreeColTcFile |
A Total Conversion (TC).
FreeColTextAreaUI |
Provides a tiled background image "image.background.FreeColTextArea" to
text areas.
FreeColTextFieldUI |
Provides a tiled background image "image.background.FreeColTextField" to
text fields.
FreeColToolTipUI |
Draw the "image.background.FreeColToolTip" resource as a tiled background
image on tool tip popups.
FreeColTransparentPanelUI |
Draws with partial transparency.
FreeColXMLReader |
A wrapper for XMLStreamReader and potentially an
underlying stream.
FreeColXMLReader.ReadScope |
FreeColXMLWriter |
A wrapper for XMLStreamWriter and potentially an
underlying stream.
FreeColXMLWriter.WriteScope |
FreeColXMLWriter.WriteScopeType |
The scope of a FreeCol object write.
FSGConverter |
Class for converting FreeCol Savegames (fsg-files).
FullScreenFrameListener |
The WindowListener for the FullScreenFrame class.
Game |
The main component of the game model.
Game.FcgoState |
State for the FCGO iterator, out here because it has to be static.
Game.LogoutReason |
Reasons for logging out.
GameEndedMessage |
The message to signal the end of the game.
GameOptions |
Keeps track of the available game options.
GameOptionsDialog |
GameStateMessage |
The message sent to check the game state.
GenerateDocumentation |
Generate some documentation.
GoalDecider |
GoalDeciders |
Handy library of GoalDeciders.
GoalDeciders.MultipleAdjacentDecider |
A class to wrap a goal decider that searches for paths to an
adjacent tile to a set of locations, and the results of such a
GoldTradeItem |
A trade item consisting of just some gold.
Goods |
Represents locatable goods of a specified type and amount.
GoodsContainer |
Contains goods and can be used by a Location to make certain
tasks easier.
GoodsDetailPanel |
This panel displays details of goods types in the Colopedia.
GoodsLabel |
This label holds Goods data in addition to the JLabel data, which
makes it ideal to use for drag and drop purposes.
GoodsLocation |
A GoodsLocation is a place where Unit s and
Goods can be put.
GoodsTradeItem |
A trade item consisting of some goods.
GoodsType |
A type of goods, derived from the specification.
GoodsTypeLabel |
This label represents a goods type.
GoodsTypePanel |
Simple panel for a goods type.
GoodsWish |
Represents the need for goods within a Colony .
GotoAction |
An action for making a unit move to a specific location.
GoToMission |
The GoToMission causes a Unit to move towards its destination.
GotoTileAction |
An action to make a unit go to a specific tile.
GrayLayer |
Custom component to paint turn progress.
The API and common reusable functionality for the overall GUI.
GUI.ViewMode |
View modes.
GUIMessage |
Represents a message that can be displayed in the GUI.
HighScore |
A FreeCol high score record.
HighScore.ScoreLevel |
On retirement, an object will be named in honour of the
HighScoresMessage |
The message sent when an high score query/response occurs.
HighSeas |
An object representing the high seas between continents.
HistoryEvent |
A notable event in the history of a game.
HistoryEvent.HistoryEventType |
IdleAtSettlementMission |
Mission for idling in a settlement.
ImageAnimationEvent |
An event describing that the given image should
be displayed.
ImageCache |
Wrapper around ResourceManager for caching image resources.
ImageLibrary |
Holds various images that can be called upon by others in order to display
certain things.
ImageLibrary.PathType |
Helper to distinguish different types of paths.
ImageResource |
A Resource wrapping an Image .
ImageSelection |
Represents an image selection that can be selected and
dragged/dropped to/from Swing components.
ImageUtils |
Collection of static image manipulation utilities.
ImprovementAction |
An action for using the active unit to add a tile improvement to
the unit's tile, possibly changing the tile type in the process.
ImprovementMission |
The ImprovementMission causes a Unit to add a TileImprovement to a
particular Tile.
InciteMessage |
The message sent when inciting a native settlement.
InciteTradeItem |
A trade item consisting of a player to incite war against.
IndianBringGiftMission |
Mission for bringing a gift to a specified player.
IndianDemandMessage |
The message sent to resolve natives making demands of a colony.
IndianDemandMission |
Mission for demanding goods from a specified player.
IndianNationType |
Represents one of the native nations present in the game.
IndianSettlement |
Represents an Indian settlement.
IndianSettlement.ContactLevel |
The level of contact between a player and this settlement.
IndianSettlementPanel |
This panel is used to show information about an Indian settlement.
InfoPanel |
The InfoPanel is a wrapper for several informative displays in the
lower right corner.
InfoPanel.InfoPanelMode |
InformationPanel |
A general panel for information display.
InGameController |
The controller that will be used while the game is played.
InGameController |
The main server controller.
InGameController.MoveMode |
Selecting next unit depends on mode--- either from the active list,
from the going-to list, or flush going-to and end the turn.
InGameMenuBar |
This is the menu bar used in-game.
InPortPanel |
This class displays the carriers present in a port.
InstallerTranslations |
Handle translations for the installer.
IntegerOption |
Represents an option where the valid choice is an integer.
IntegerOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for an
IntegerOption in order to enable
values to be both seen and changed.
Introspector |
A class to allow access to the methods "fooType getFoo()" and
"void setFoo(fooType)" conventionally seen in objects.
Introspector.IntrospectorException |
JoinColonyMessage |
The message sent when a unit joins a colony.
LabourData |
Holds labour statistics for the labour report.
LabourData.ColonyLocationDataGetter |
LabourData.LocationData |
LabourData.LocationData.Getter |
LabourData.ProductionData |
LabourData.UnitData |
LAFUtilities |
Utility methods for Look-and-Feel classes.
LandMap |
A class to encapsulate a binary land map.
LanguageOption |
Option for selecting a language.
LanguageOption.Language |
LanguageOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for a
LanguageOption in order to enable
values to be both seen and changed.
LastSale |
This class contains the last sale a player has made, by Settlement
and GoodsType.
LearnSkillMessage |
The message sent when learning for the skill taught at a settlement.
Limit |
The Limit class encapsulates a limit on the
availability of FreeColObjects.
Limit.Operator |
The basic operation used in evaluating this limit.
ListOption<T> |
Represents a list of Options.
ListOptionUI<T> |
This class provides visualization for a list of
AbstractOption s in order to enable
values to be both seen and changed.
LoadAction |
An action for filling the holds of the currently selected unit.
LoadDialog |
A dialog for choosing a file to load.
LoadGoodsMessage |
The message sent when loading goods.
LoadingSavegameDialog |
Dialog for setting some options when loading a game.
LoadingSavegameInfo |
Used for transferring data for the savegame to be loaded.
Locatable |
An object that can be put in a Location .
Location |
A place where a Locatable can be put.
LogBuilder |
A class to wrap a StringBuilder for log generation purposes.
LoginMessage |
The message sent when logging in.
LogoutMessage |
The message sent when logging out.
LootCargoMessage |
The message sent when looting cargo.
LootSession |
A type of session to handle looting of cargo.
LostCityRumour |
Represents a lost city rumour.
LostCityRumour.RumourType |
Constants describing types of Lost City Rumours.
MainPanel |
The initial panel where the user chooses from the main modes of operation.
Map |
A rectangular isometric map.
Map.Layer |
The layers included in the map.
Map.MoveCandidate |
Internal class for evaluating a candidate move.
Map.MoveStep |
Possible actions by the unit travelling along a path in consideration
of the next tile.
Map.Position |
A position on the Map.
Map.SearchHeuristic |
Simple interface to supply a heuristic to the A* routine.
MapboardAction |
Super class for all actions that should be disabled when the
mapboard is not selected.
MapControls |
A collection of panels and buttons that are used to provide the
user with a more detailed view of certain elements on the map and
also to provide a means of input in case the user can't use the
MapControlsAction |
An action for displaying the map controls.
MapConverter |
Convert map formats.
MapEditorAction |
An action for starting the Map Editor.
MapEditorController |
The map editor controller.
MapEditorMenuBar |
The menu bar used when running in editor mode.
MapEditorTransformPanel |
A panel for choosing the current MapTransform .
MapEditorTransformPanel.LostCityRumourTransform |
MapEditorTransformPanel.RiverStyleTransform |
MapEditorTransformPanel.RiverTransform |
MapEditorTransformPanel.TileTypeTransform |
MapGenerator |
Creates maps and sets the starting locations for the players.
MapGeneratorOptions |
Keeps track of the available map generator options.
MapGeneratorOptionsDialog |
Dialog for changing the map generator options.
MapLayerGenerator |
Generates a map layer.
MapLoader |
MapSizeDialog |
A dialog for choosing a map size.
MapTransform |
Represents a transformation that can be applied to
a Tile .
MapViewer |
MapViewer is a private helper class of Canvas and SwingGUI.
MapViewer.BorderType |
MapViewer.TextSpecification |
MapViewer.TileRenderingCallback |
A callback for rendering a single tile.
MapViewerBounds |
Calculates what part of the Map is visible on screen.
MapViewerRepaintManager |
Internal class that handles buffers and dirty state of MapViewer .
MapViewerScaledUtils |
MapViewerState |
Market |
This class implements a simple economic model where a market holds
all goods to be sold and the price of a particular goods type is
determined solely by its availability in that market.
Market.Access |
Constant for specifying the access to this Market
when selling goods.
MarketData |
Objects of this class hold the market data for a particular type of
MarketLabel |
This label represents a cargo type on the European market.
MarketWas |
Helper container to remember the Market state prior to some
change, and fire off any consequent property changes.
MenuMouseMotionListener |
This class is meant to make the autoscrolling work better, so that
you don't have to hover the mouse exactly one pixel below the menu
bar to make it scroll up.
MergeTranslations |
Merge some translation updates.
Message |
Base abstract class for all messages.
Message.MessagePriority |
MessageHandler |
Read and handle incoming messages.
Messages |
Represents a collection of messages in a particular locale.
MetaRegister |
The MetaRegister stores information about running servers.
MetaServer |
The entry point and main controller object for the meta server.
MetaServerHandler |
Handle network messages sent to the meta-server.
MetaServerUtils |
Wrapper class to contain utility functions used by the FreeColServer to
talk to the meta-server.
MetaServerUtils.MetaInputHandler |
Handle messages sent by the meta-server.
MetaServerUtils.MetaMessageType |
Type of message to send.
MigPanel |
A panel that clears its layout on close, working around a bug in
some versions of MigLayout.
MiniMap |
This component draws a small version of the map.
MiniMapToggleFogOfWarAction |
An action for enable/disable fog of war in on the minimap.
MiniMapToggleViewAction |
Change view in on the minimap.
MiniMapZoomInAction |
An action for zooming in on the minimap.
MiniMapZoomOutAction |
An action for zooming out on the minimap.
Mission |
The Mission interface describes some kind of order that can be
given to a Unit , such as the order to move to a certain
Tile, attack a certain Unit, or build a TileImprovement, for
Mission |
A mission describes what a unit should do; attack, build colony,
wander etc.
Mission.MissionState |
MissionAIPlayer |
An AIPlayer with support for executing Mission s.
MissionaryMessage |
The message sent when a missionary establishes/denounces a mission.
MissionaryMission |
Mission for sending a missionary to a native settlement.
MissionManager |
The MissionManager keeps track of all missions defined.
ModelMessage |
Contains a message about a change in the model.
ModelMessage.MessageType |
Constants categorizing the type of message.
Modifier |
The Modifier class encapsulates a bonus or penalty
that can be applied to any action within the game, most obviously
Modifier.ModifierType |
ModifierFormat |
ModListOption |
Represents an option where the valid choice is a list of
ModOption |
Represents an option that can be an arbitrary string.
ModOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for a
ModOption in order to enable
values to be both seen and changed.
ModOptionUI.BoxRenderer |
ModOptionUI.ModOptionRenderer |
Monarch |
This class implements the player's monarch, whose functions prior
to the revolution include raising taxes, declaring war on other
European countries, and occasionally providing military support.
Monarch.MonarchAction |
Constants describing monarch actions.
MonarchActionMessage |
The message sent when doing a monarch action.
MonarchDialog |
This panel is used to show monarch actions.
MonarchSession |
A type of session to handle monarch actions that require response.
Movable |
An object that can move from one Location to another under its own
MoveAction |
An action for chosing the next unit as the active unit.
MoveMessage |
The message sent when moving a unit.
MoveToMessage |
The message sent when moving a unit across the high seas.
MultipleMessage |
The message that contains other messages.
Nameable |
An object with a name that can be changed.
NameCache |
A cache of proper names of various types.
Named |
An object that has a name.
Nation |
Represents one of the nations present in the game.
NationDetailPanel |
This panel displays details of nations in the Colopedia.
NationOptions |
The options specific to a nation.
NationOptions.Advantages |
Type of national advantages for European players.
NationOptions.NationState |
Nations may be available to all players, to AI players only, or
to no players.
NationSummary |
A container class summarizing an enemy nation.
NationSummaryMessage |
The message sent when summarizing a nation.
NationType |
Represents the type of one of the nations present in the game.
NationType.AggressionLevel |
NationType.SettlementNumber |
NationTypeDetailPanel |
This panel displays details of nations in the Colopedia.
NativeAIPlayer |
Objects of this class contains AI-information for a single Player and is used for controlling this player.
NativeDemandDialog |
This panel is used to show native demands at a colony.
NativeDemandSession |
A type of session to handle trading with a native settlement.
NativeGiftMessage |
The message sent when a native delivers a gift to a Colony.
NativeTrade |
Container class for the information that persists while a
native trade session is underway.
NativeTrade.NativeTradeAction |
The type of native trade command.
NativeTradeItem |
A trade item consisting of some goods to be traded with the natives.
NativeTradeMessage |
The message sent to handle native trade sessions.
NativeTradeSession |
A type of session to handle trading with a native settlement.
NegotiationDialog |
The panel that allows negotiations between players.
NetworkReplyObject |
Class for storing a network response.
NewAction |
An action for starting a new game.
NewEmptyMapAction |
Creates a new empty map.
NewLandNameMessage |
The message sent when naming a new land.
NewPanel |
This dialog allows the user to start a single player or multiplayer
game, to join a running game, and to fetch a list of games from the
NewPanel.NewPanelAction |
The actions for this panel.
NewRegionNameMessage |
The message sent when naming a new region.
NewTradeRouteMessage |
The message sent to get a new trade route.
NewTurnMessage |
The message sent to the clients to signal a new turn.
NewUnitPanel |
The panel that allows a user to pay for a new unit in Europe.
Number |
Classes implementing this interface can determine the category and
the index of a double based on the number rules for a language.
Number.Category |
NumberRules |
ObjectMessage |
The basic message with optional objects.
ObjectWithId |
Any object that provides a string identifier that can be used to
identify it, and to provide a localized name for it.
Occupation |
Simple container to define where and what a unit is working on.
OggVorbisDecoderFactory |
Rewritten from the JCraft JOrbisPlayer example (GPLv2+), fixing a
bunch of bugs that prevent it from playing short files and recasting
into a read()-driven AudioInputStream form.
OggVorbisDecoderFactory.OggStream |
Core JOgg/JOrbis magic handled here.
OggVorbisDecoderFactory.OggVorbisAudioInputStream |
The AudioInputStream extension to handle decoding Ogg/Vorbis Audio
OpenAction |
An action for loading a game or map.
Operand |
The Operand class implements Operands to be used in
relations, such as the Limit class.
Operand.OperandType |
Operand.ScopeLevel |
Option<T> |
An option describes something which can be customized by the user.
OptionContainer |
The routines common to option containers.
OptionGroup |
OptionGroupUI |
This panel displays an OptionGroup using a JTree.
OptionGroupUI.OptionTree |
OptionsDialog |
OptionUI<T extends Option<?>> |
This class provides common methods for various Option UIs.
OptionUpdater |
Interface for classes which temporarily stores changes for an
Option .
OSUtils |
Class used to deal specifically with the operating system
OtherNumberRule |
Number optimized for languages that do not distinguish any number
Ownable |
Interface for objects which can be owned by a Player .
Parameters |
ParametersDialog |
A dialog for editing parameters.
PartialMessage |
The message sent by the server to partially update client game objects.
PathNode |
Represents a single Location in a path.
PayArrearsMessage |
The message sent when paying tax arrears.
PayForBuildingMessage |
The message sent when paying for a building.
PercentageOption |
Represents an option where the result is a value between 0 and 100.
PercentageOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for a
in order to enable values to be both seen and changed.
PioneeringMission |
Mission for controlling a pioneer.
Player |
Represents a player.
Player.ColonyValueCategory |
Colony value categories.
Player.NoClaimReason |
A variety of reasons why a tile can not be claimed, either
to found a settlement or just to be used by one, including the
double negative NONE == "no reason" case.
Player.NoValueType |
Special return values for showstopper getColonyValue fail.
Player.PlayerType |
Types of players.
PlayersTable |
The table of players.
PlayersTable.AdvantageCellEditor |
A table cell editor that can be used to select a nation.
PlayersTable.AdvantageCellRenderer |
PlayersTable.AvailableCellRenderer |
PlayersTable.HeaderListener |
PlayersTable.HeaderRenderer |
PlayersTable.NationStateRenderer |
PlayersTable.PlayerCellEditor |
PlayersTable.PlayerCellRenderer |
PlayersTable.PlayersTableModel |
The TableModel for the players table.
PlunderType |
The plunder available from a settlement.
PluralNumberRule |
Number optimized for languages that distinguish the categories one
and other.
PortPanel |
This class provides common functionality for panels that display
ports, such as the ColonyPanel and the EuropePanel.
PreCombatDialog |
The dialog that is shown prior to a possible combat.
PreferencesAction |
An action for editing user preferences.
PreGameController |
The controller that will be used before the game starts.
PreGameController |
The control object that is responsible for setting parameters and
starting a new game.
PrivateerMission |
A mission for a Privateer unit.
ProductionCache |
The ProductionCache is contains all relevant
information about the production and consumption of the
ProductionInfo |
Container for information about production in a colony.
ProductionLabel |
The ProductionLabel represents Goods that are produced in a
WorkLocation or Settlement.
ProductionMap |
A map of goods types and their production.
ProductionMap.ProductionTree |
ProductionType |
This class describes a possible production type of a tile or building.
PurchasePanel |
The panel that allows a user to purchase a new unit in Europe.
PutOutsideColonyMessage |
The message sent when putting a unit outside a colony.
QuestionMessage |
The basic question message wrapper.
QuickActionMenu |
Handles the generation of popup menu's generated by DragListener
objects attached to units within the Colony and Europe panels.
QuitAction |
An action for quitting the game.
RandomChoice<T> |
A class to provide flat and weighted random selection from a collection.
RandomRange |
A range of numbers, and support routines to make a random choice therefrom.
RandomUtils |
Collection of small static helper routines for logged pseudo-random
number generation.
RandomUtils.RandomIntCache |
RangeOption |
Represents an option where the valid choice is an integer and the
choices are represented by strings.
RangeOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for a
RangeOption in order to enable
values to be both seen and changed.
ReadyMessage |
The message that signals a player is ready.
RearrangeColonyMessage |
The message sent when the client requests rearrangeing of a colony.
RearrangeColonyMessage.Arrangement |
Container for the unit change information.
RebelToolTip |
This panel provides detailed information about rebels in a colony.
ReceivingThread |
The thread that checks for incoming messages.
ReceivingThread.QuestionThread |
A class to handle questions.
ReceivingThread.UpdateThread |
ReconnectAction |
An action for reconnecting to the server.
ReconnectMessage |
A trivial message sent to clients to signal that they should reconnect.
RecruitPanel |
The panel that allows a user to recruit people in Europe.
REFAIPlayer |
Objects of this class contains AI-information for a single REF player.
REFAIPlayer.REFNavyGoalDecider |
Goal decider class for the REF Navy
REFAIPlayer.TargetTuple |
Container class for REF target colony information.
Region |
A named region on the map.
Region.RegionType |
The type of region.
RegisterServerMessage |
The message sent to register a server from the meta-server.
Relation |
A grammatical relationship.
RemoveMessage |
The message sent when removing a FreeColGameObject.
RemoveServerMessage |
The message sent to remove a server from the meta-server.
RenameAction |
An action for renaming the active unit.
RenameMessage |
The message sent when renaming a FreeColGameObject.
ReplyMessage |
The basic reply message wrapper.
ReportCargoAction |
An action for displaying a Cargo Report.
ReportCargoPanel |
This panel displays the Cargo Report.
ReportClassicColonyPanel |
This panel displays the classic version of the colony report.
ReportColonyAction |
An action for displaying a Colony Report.
ReportCompactColonyPanel |
This panel displays the compact colony report.
ReportCompactColonyPanel.ColonySummary |
Container class for all the information about a colony.
ReportCompactColonyPanel.ColonySummary.GoodsProduction |
Container class for goods production.
ReportCompactColonyPanel.ColonySummary.ProductionStatus |
Types of production for a given goods type.
ReportContinentalCongressAction |
An action for display a Congress Report.
ReportContinentalCongressPanel |
This panel displays the ContinentalCongress Report.
ReportEducationAction |
An action for displaying the Education Report.
ReportEducationPanel |
This panel displays the Education Report.
ReportExplorationAction |
An action for displaying an Exploration Report.
ReportExplorationPanel |
This panel displays the exploration report.
ReportForeignAction |
An action to show the Foreign Affairs report.
ReportForeignAffairPanel |
This panel displays the Foreign Affairs Report.
ReportHighScoresAction |
An action for displaying a High Score Report.
ReportHighScoresPanel |
This panel displays the high scores.
ReportHistoryAction |
Show history messages in report panel.
ReportHistoryPanel |
This panel displays the History Report.
ReportIndianAction |
An action for displaying an Indian Relations Report.
ReportIndianPanel |
This panel displays the Native Affairs Advisor.
ReportLabourAction |
An action for displaying a Labour Report.
ReportLabourDetailPanel |
This panel displays the Labour Report.
ReportLabourPanel |
This panel displays the Labour Report.
ReportLabourPanel.LabourUnitPanel |
An individual unit type panel.
ReportLabourPanel.LabourUnitPanelRenderer |
A renderer for the labour unit panels.
ReportMilitaryAction |
An action for displaying a Military Report.
ReportMilitaryPanel |
This panel displays the Military Report.
ReportNavalAction |
An action for displaying a Naval Report.
ReportNavalPanel |
This panel displays the Naval Report.
ReportPanel |
This panel displays a report.
ReportProductionAction |
An action for displaying a Production Report.
ReportProductionPanel |
This panel displays the Production Report.
ReportReligionAction |
An action for displaying the Religion Report.
ReportReligiousPanel |
This panel displays the Religious Report.
ReportRequirementsAction |
An action for displaying a Requirements Report.
ReportRequirementsPanel |
This panel displays the Advanced Colony Report.
ReportTradeAction |
An action for displaying a Trade Report.
ReportTradePanel |
This panel displays the Trade Report.
ReportTurnAction |
Show turn messages in report panel.
ReportTurnPanel |
This panel displays the Turn Report.
ReportUnitPanel |
This panel displays a unit Report.
RequestLaunchMessage |
A trivial message to inform the server that a client is ready to launch.
Resource |
Represents a production resource, such as prime tobacco, or an ore
vein, located on a Tile.
Resource |
Represents a resource that either has been or can be loaded using a
Resource.Cleanable |
Implement the Cleanable interface if a Resource has a use for
calls to a clean method.
ResourceFactory |
A factory class for creating Resource instances.
ResourceManager |
Class for getting resources (images, audio etc).
ResourceMapping |
Represents a mapping between identifiers and resources.
ResourceMapping.PreloadController |
ResourceMapping.ResourceType<T> |
ResourcesDetailPanel |
This panel displays details of resources in the Colopedia.
ResourceType |
The types of resources (e.g.
RetireAction |
An action for retiring from the game.
RetireMessage |
A trivial message sent to the server when the client wants to retire.
River |
A river for the map generator.
River.DirectionChange |
Possible direction changes for a river.
RiverMaker |
RiverSection |
This class facilitates building, editing the TileImprovement style
for rivers Rivers on the Map are composed of many individual
TileImprovements displayed on each Tile the river flows through The
river TileImprovement on a Tile has a style which represents the
inputs/outputs of water to/from neighboring Tiles This class allows
manipulation of individual stream(s) to neighboring Tiles (there
are many in case of confluence)
RiverStyleDialog |
A panel for adjusting the river style.
RoadPainter |
This class is responsible for drawing the Roads on a tile.
Role |
The role of a unit.
Role.RoleChange |
Container for valid role changes.
Rule |
A rule consists of any number of relations combined with "and" and
"or" operators.
SaveAction |
An action for saving the game.
SaveAndQuitAction |
An action for prompting the user to save before quitting the game.
SaveDialog |
A dialog for choosing a file to save.
SaveGameValidator |
Validate a saved game.
ScaleMapAction |
An action for scaling a map.
ScaleMapSizeDialog |
A dialog to allow resizing of the map.
Scope |
The Scope class determines whether a given
FreeColSpecObjectType fulfills certain requirements.
ScopeContainer |
How scopes are handled.
ScoutIndianSettlementMessage |
The message sent when scouting a native settlement.
ScoutingMission |
Mission for controlling a scout.
ScoutSpeakToChiefMessage |
The message sent when speaking to a chief.
ScrollThread |
Scrolls the view of the Map by moving its focus.
SelectableAction |
An action for selecting one of several options.
SelectAmountDialog |
The panel that allows a choice of goods amount.
SelectDestinationDialog |
Select a location as the destination for a given unit.
SelectDestinationDialog.Destination |
A container for a destination location, with associated
distance and extra characteristics.
SelectDestinationDialog.LocationRenderer |
SelectOption |
Represents an option where the valid choice is an integer and the
choices are represented by strings.
SelectOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for a
SelectOption in order to enable
values to be both seen and changed.
Selector |
SelectTributeAmountDialog |
The panel that allows a choice of tribute amount.
SentryAction |
An action to set sentry state to the active unit.
Server |
The networking server in which new clients can connect and methods
like sendToAll are kept.
ServerAPI |
The API for client/server messaging.
ServerBuilding |
The server version of a building.
ServerColony |
The server version of a colony.
ServerColonyTile |
The server version of a colony tile.
ServerEurope |
The server version of Europe.
ServerGame |
The server representation of the game.
ServerIndianSettlement |
The server version of an Indian Settlement.
ServerInfo |
Container class for information about a single server as retrieved
from the meta-server.
ServerInfoMessage |
The type of message that contains server information.
ServerInputHandler |
Handles the network messages on the server side.
ServerListMessage |
The message sent to query and list the available servers.
ServerListPanel |
This panel is used to display the information received from the meta-server.
ServerListPanel.ServerListTableCellRenderer |
ServerListTableModel |
ServerPlayer |
A Player with additional (server specific) information, notably
this player's Connection .
ServerPlayer.DeadCheck |
ServerRegion |
The server version of a region.
ServerUnit |
Server version of a unit.
Session |
Root class for sessions.
SetAIMessage |
The message that changes the AI state of a player.
SetAvailableMessage |
The message that changes the player availability.
SetBuildQueueMessage |
The message sent when setting the build queue.
SetColorMessage |
The message that changes the player color.
SetCurrentPlayerMessage |
The message sent to the clients to signal a change of player.
SetCurrentStopMessage |
The message sent updating a unit's current stop.
SetDeadMessage |
The message to signal a player has died.
SetDestinationMessage |
The message sent when the client requests setting a unit destination.
SetGoodsLevelsMessage |
The message sent when setting goods levels.
SetNationMessage |
The message that sets the player nation.
SetNationTypeMessage |
The message that sets the player nationType.
SetStanceMessage |
The message sent to the clients to signal a stance change.
Settlement |
The super class of all settlements on the map (that is colonies and
indian settlements).
SettlementType |
The various types of settlements in the game.
ShowDifficultyAction |
An action for displaying the current difficulty level.
ShowGameOptionsAction |
An action for displaying the Game Options.
ShowMainAction |
Returns to the MainPanel .
ShowMapGeneratorOptionsAction |
An action for displaying the Map Generator Options.
SimpleCombatModel |
This class implements the original Colonization combat model.
SimpleMapGenerator |
Creates random maps and sets the starting locations for the players.
SimpleMapGenerator.Territory |
SimpleZippedAnimation |
An animation made from images stored in a zip-file.
SimpleZippedAnimation.ImageAnimationEventImpl |
Size |
Standard sizes.
SkipUnitAction |
An action for skipping the active unit.
SliderOptionUI<T extends Option<java.lang.Integer>> |
This class provides a JSlider as visualization for an
IntegerOption or one of its
SoundController |
Controls the SoundPlayer.
SoundPlayer |
Stripped down class for playing sound.
Specification |
This class encapsulates any parts of the "specification" for
FreeCol that are expressed best using XML.
Specification.ChildReader |
Specification.Source |
SplashScreen |
Class to contain the splash screen.
SpySettlementMessage |
The message sent when spying on a settlement.
Stance |
The stance one player has towards another player.
StanceTradeItem |
A trade item consisting of a change of stance.
StartGameMessage |
A trivial message sent to clients to signal the start of game.
StartGamePanel |
The panel where you choose your nation and color and connected players are
StartMapAction |
An action for starting a new game from the current map editor map.
StatisticsPanel |
Display the current game statistics.
StatisticsPanel.StatisticsModel |
StatusPanel |
A Panel for showing status information on screen.
StringOption |
Represents an option that can be a string selected from a list of
possible values (choices).
StringOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for a
StringOption in order to enable
values to be both seen and changed.
StringResource |
A Resource wrapping an String .
StringTemplate |
The StringTemplate represents a non-localized string
that can be localized by looking up its value in a message bundle
or similar Map.
StringTemplate.TemplateType |
The type of this StringTemplate, either NAME, a proper name
that must not be localized (e.g.
StringUtils |
Collection of small static helper methods using Strings.
SwingGUI |
A wrapper providing functionality for the overall GUI using Java Swing.
SwingGUI.PopupPosition |
A rough position to place dialogs and panels on the canvas.
SZAResource |
A Resource wrapping a SimpleZippedAnimation .
Tension |
A measure of the tension between nations.
Tension.Level |
Constants for describing alarm levels.
TerrainCursor |
The blinking cursor on the map.
TerrainDetailPanel |
This panel displays details of terrain types in the Colopedia.
TerrainGenerator |
Class for making a Map based upon a land map.
TextFormatter |
Formats a log record's data into human-readable text.
TextOption |
Represents an option that can be an arbitrary string.
TextOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for a
TextOption in order to enable
values to be both seen and changed.
Texture2Tile |
Utility for making a seamless tilable 512x256 tile from a seamless tilable texture.
Tile |
Represents a single tile on the Map .
Tile.IndianSettlementInternals |
Information that is internal to the native settlements, and only
updated on close contact.
TileBounds |
Bounds of the tiles to be rendered.
TileImprovement |
Represents a tile improvement, such as a river or road.
TileImprovementPlan |
Represents a plan to improve a Tile in some way.
TileImprovementStyle |
Represents the style of a tile improvement, such as a river or
TileImprovementType |
An improvement to make to a tile.
TileItem |
Represents a TileItem item on a Tile .
TileItemContainer |
Contains TileItem s and can be used by a Tile
to make certain tasks easier.
TilePanel |
This panel is used to show information about a tile.
TilePopup |
Allows the user to obtain more info about a certain tile or to
activate a specific unit on the tile, or perform various debug mode
TilePopupAction |
An action for displaying a tile popup.
TileType |
The types of tiles.
TileType.RangeType |
TileTypeChange |
A change in a tile type, including some bonus production when this occurs.
TileViewer |
TileViewer is a private helper class of MapViewer and SwingGUI.
TimedSession |
Root class for timed sessions.
ToggleViewModeAction |
An action for changing view mode between move units mode and view terrain
TradeItem |
One of the items a DiplomaticTrade consists of.
TradeLocation |
A wrapper interface for a location that can be on a trade route.
TradeRoute |
A TradeRoute holds all information for a unit to follow along a trade route.
TradeRouteAction |
An action for editing trade routes.
TradeRouteInputPanel |
Allows the user to edit trade routes.
TradeRouteInputPanel.StopListTransferable |
TradeRoutePanel |
Allows the user to edit trade routes.
TradeRouteStop |
A stop along a trade route.
TrainPanel |
The panel that allows a user to train a new unit in Europe.
TrainUnitInEuropeMessage |
The message sent when training a unit in Europe.
TransactionListener |
Interface for classes which listen to transactions in market
TranslationReport |
Document the state of the translations.
TranslationReport.LanguageStatsRecord |
TransportableAIObject |
A single item in a carrier's transport list.
TransportMission |
Mission for transporting units and goods on a carrier.
TransportMission.CargoResult |
TrivialMessage |
The basic trivial message, with just a name.
Turn |
Represents a given turn in the game.
TurnTaker |
Interface for server-side objects which need to update every turn.
TypeCountMap<T extends FreeColSpecObjectType> |
A map that incorporates a count.
Unit |
Represents all pieces that can be moved on the map-board.
Unit.ClosestSettlementGoalDecider |
Unit.MoveType |
A move type.
Unit.PortMode |
Internal state for findIntermediatePort.
Unit.UnitLabelType |
What type of unit label do we want?
Unit.UnitState |
A state a Unit can have.
UnitAction |
Super class for all actions that should be disabled when no unit is
UnitAnimator |
Handles taking units of of the map rendering in order to be animated using JLabel s.
UnitButton |
A button with a set of images which is used to give commands
to a unit with the mouse instead of the keyboard.
UnitButton.UnitButtonActionPropertyChangeListener |
UnitChangeType |
The possible changes of a unit type.
UnitDetailPanel |
This panel displays details of units in the Colopedia.
UnitImageAnimation |
Class for in-place animation of units.
UnitIterator |
An Iterator of Unit s that can be made active.
UnitLabel |
This label holds Unit data in addition to the JLabel data, which makes it
ideal to use for drag and drop purposes.
UnitLabel.UnitAction |
The different actions a Unit is allowed to take.
UnitListOption |
Represents an option where the valid choice is a list of
AbstractUnits, e.g.
UnitLocation |
The UnitLocation is a place where a Unit
can be put.
UnitLocation.NoAddReason |
UnitMoveAnimation |
Class for the animation of units movement.
UnitPanel |
This class provides common functionality for sub-panels of a
PortPanel that display UnitLabels.
UnitSeekAndDestroyMission |
Mission for attacking a specific target, be it a Unit or a Settlement.
UnitTradeItem |
A trade item consisting of a unit.
UnitType |
The various types of units in FreeCol.
UnitTypeChange |
Simple container for individual type changes.
UnitTypeOption |
Option wrapping a UnitType.
UnitTypeOption.TypeSelector |
FIXME: replace with Predicates.
UnitTypeOptionUI |
This class provides visualization for a
UnitTypeOption in order to enable
values to be both seen and changed.
UnitTypeOptionUI.ChoiceRenderer |
UnitWanderHostileMission |
Mission for wandering around, attacking targets owned by a player we
do not like.
UnitWanderMission |
Mission for wandering in random directions.
UnitWas |
Helper container to remember a unit state prior to some change,
and fire off any consequent property changes.
UnloadAction |
An action for unloading a unit.
UnloadGoodsMessage |
The message sent when unloading goods.
UpdateGameOptionsMessage |
The message sent to update the game options.
UpdateMapGeneratorOptionsMessage |
The message sent to update the map generator options.
UpdateMessage |
The message sent to update game objects.
UpdateServerMessage |
The message sent to update a server in the meta-server.
UpdateTradeRouteMessage |
The message sent when updating a trade route.
UserConnectionHandler |
Message handler for new client connections.
UserServerAPI |
Implementation of the ServerAPI for a player with a real connection
to the server.
Utility |
Static utilities for panels and dialogs.
Utils |
Collection of small static helper methods.
VacantPlayersMessage |
The message sent to discover vacant players in a game.
ValuedAIObject |
Abstract class of AI object with a simple enclosed comparable
integer value.
VictoryDialog |
This dialog is displayed to a player who has won the game.
Video |
Represents a video.
VideoComponent |
A component for playing video.
VideoListener |
A listener for video playback events.
VideoResource |
A Resource wrapping a Video .
WaitAction |
An action for ordering the active unit to wait for further orders.
WarehouseDialog |
A dialog to display a colony warehouse.
Widgets |
Container for all the higher level dialogs and panels.
WindowedFrameListener |
The WindowListener for the WindowedFrame class.
Wish |
Represents a need for something at a given Location .
WishRealizationMission |
Mission for realizing a Wish .
WorkerWish |
Represents the need for a worker within a Colony .
WorkInsideColonyMission |
Mission for working inside an AI colony.
WorkLocation |
The WorkLocation is a place in a Colony where
Units can work.
WorkLocation.Suggestion |
Container class to suggest a better use of a unit.
WorkLocationPlan |
Objects of this class contains AI-information for a single
WorkLocation .
WorkMessage |
The message sent to handle changes in work location.
WorkProductionPanel |
Display the production of a unit.
WrapperMessage |
A wrapper message.
ZeroOneNumberRule |
Number optimized for languages that place the numbers 0 and 1 in
category one, and all others in category other.
ZoomInAction |
An action for zooming in on the main map.
ZoomOutAction |
An action for zooming out on the main map.