Package net.sf.freecol.common.networking
Contains the common networking classes.
Interface Summary Interface Description MessageHandler Read and handle incoming messages. -
Class Summary Class Description AbandonColonyMessage The message sent when the client requests abandoning of a colony.AddPlayerMessage The message sent to add or update players to the game.AnimateAttackMessage The message sent to tell a client to show an attack animation.AnimateMoveMessage The message sent to tell a client to show a movement animation.AskSkillMessage The message sent when asking for the skill taught at a settlement.AssignTeacherMessage The message sent when assigning a teacher.AssignTradeRouteMessage The message sent when assigning a trade route to a unit.AttackMessage The message sent when attacking.AttributeMessage The basic message with optional attributes.BuildColonyMessage The message sent when the client requests building of a colony.CashInTreasureTrainMessage The message sent when cashing in a treasure train.ChangeSet Changes to be sent to the client.ChangeSet.AttackChange Encapsulate an attack.ChangeSet.AttributeChange Encapsulate an attribute change.ChangeSet.Change<T extends Message> Abstract template for all types of Change.ChangeSet.FeatureChange Encapsulate a feature change.ChangeSet.MessageChange<T extends Message> Encapsulate a Message.ChangeSet.MoveChange Encapsulate a move.ChangeSet.ObjectChange Encapsulate a FreeColGameObject update.ChangeSet.PartialObjectChange<T extends FreeColGameObject> Encapsulate a partial update of a FreeColGameObject.ChangeSet.PlayerChange Encapsulate a new player change.ChangeSet.RemoveChange Encapsulates removing some objects.ChangeSet.See Class to control the visibility of a change.ChangeSet.SpyChange Encapsulates a spying action.ChangeSet.StanceChange Encapsulate a stance change.ChangeStateMessage The message sent when changing a unit state.ChangeWorkImprovementTypeMessage The message sent when changing a work improvement type.ChangeWorkTypeMessage The message sent when changing the work type of a unit.ChatMessage The message that contains a chat string.ChooseFoundingFatherMessage The message sent to choose a founding father.ClaimLandMessage The message sent when the client requests claiming land.ClearSpecialityMessage The message sent when clearing a unit speciality.CloseMessage A message sent to clients to signal that a panel should be closed.Connection A network connection.ConnectionVerificationMessage A verification message sent from the meta server as a reply toRegisterServerMessage
.ContinueMessage A trivial message sent to the server to signal that the game should continue.DeclareIndependenceMessage The message sent when a player declares independence.DeclineMoundsMessage The message sent when declining to investigate strange mounds.DeleteTradeRouteMessage The message sent when deleting a trade route.DeliverGiftMessage The message sent when delivering a gift to a Settlement.DemandTributeMessage The message sent when demanding tribute from a native settlement.DiplomacyMessage The message sent when executing a diplomatic trade.DisbandUnitMessage The message sent when disbanding a unit.DisconnectMessage A trivial message to indicate disconnection.DisembarkMessage The message sent when disembarking.EmbarkMessage The message sent when embarking.EmigrateUnitMessage The message sent when a unit is to emigrate.EndTurnMessage A trivial message to inform the server that the client has finished its turn.EnterRevengeModeMessage A trivial message sent to the server when then client requests entry to revenge mode.EquipForRoleMessage The message sent to equip a unit for a particular role.ErrorMessage The message sent when an error occurs.FeatureChangeMessage The message sent when to add or remove a feature.FirstContactMessage The message sent when making first contact between players.FountainOfYouthMessage The message that contains a fountainOfYouth string.GameEndedMessage The message to signal the end of the game.GameStateMessage The message sent to check the game state.HighScoresMessage The message sent when an high score query/response occurs.InciteMessage The message sent when inciting a native settlement.IndianDemandMessage The message sent to resolve natives making demands of a colony.JoinColonyMessage The message sent when a unit joins a colony.LearnSkillMessage The message sent when learning for the skill taught at a settlement.LoadGoodsMessage The message sent when loading goods.LoginMessage The message sent when logging in.LogoutMessage The message sent when logging out.LootCargoMessage The message sent when looting cargo.Message Base abstract class for all messages.MissionaryMessage The message sent when a missionary establishes/denounces a mission.MonarchActionMessage The message sent when doing a monarch action.MoveMessage The message sent when moving a unit.MoveToMessage The message sent when moving a unit across the high seas.MultipleMessage The message that contains other messages.NationSummaryMessage The message sent when summarizing a nation.NativeGiftMessage The message sent when a native delivers a gift to a Colony.NativeTradeMessage The message sent to handle native trade sessions.NetworkReplyObject Class for storing a network response.NewLandNameMessage The message sent when naming a new land.NewRegionNameMessage The message sent when naming a new region.NewTradeRouteMessage The message sent to get a new trade route.NewTurnMessage The message sent to the clients to signal a new turn.ObjectMessage The basic message with optional objects.PartialMessage The message sent by the server to partially update client game objects.PayArrearsMessage The message sent when paying tax arrears.PayForBuildingMessage The message sent when paying for a building.PutOutsideColonyMessage The message sent when putting a unit outside a colony.QuestionMessage The basic question message wrapper.ReadyMessage The message that signals a player is ready.RearrangeColonyMessage The message sent when the client requests rearrangeing of a colony.RearrangeColonyMessage.Arrangement Container for the unit change information.ReceivingThread The thread that checks for incoming messages.ReceivingThread.QuestionThread A class to handle questions.ReceivingThread.UpdateThread ReconnectMessage A trivial message sent to clients to signal that they should reconnect.RegisterServerMessage The message sent to register a server from the meta-server.RemoveMessage The message sent when removing a FreeColGameObject.RemoveServerMessage The message sent to remove a server from the meta-server.RenameMessage The message sent when renaming a FreeColGameObject.ReplyMessage The basic reply message wrapper.RequestLaunchMessage A trivial message to inform the server that a client is ready to launch.RetireMessage A trivial message sent to the server when the client wants to retire.ScoutIndianSettlementMessage The message sent when scouting a native settlement.ScoutSpeakToChiefMessage The message sent when speaking to a chief.ServerAPI The API for client/server messaging.ServerInfoMessage The type of message that contains server information.ServerListMessage The message sent to query and list the available servers.SetAIMessage The message that changes the AI state of a player.SetAvailableMessage The message that changes the player availability.SetBuildQueueMessage The message sent when setting the build queue.SetColorMessage The message that changes the player color.SetCurrentPlayerMessage The message sent to the clients to signal a change of player.SetCurrentStopMessage The message sent updating a unit's current stop.SetDeadMessage The message to signal a player has died.SetDestinationMessage The message sent when the client requests setting a unit destination.SetGoodsLevelsMessage The message sent when setting goods levels.SetNationMessage The message that sets the player nation.SetNationTypeMessage The message that sets the player nationType.SetStanceMessage The message sent to the clients to signal a stance change.SpySettlementMessage The message sent when spying on a settlement.StartGameMessage A trivial message sent to clients to signal the start of game.TrainUnitInEuropeMessage The message sent when training a unit in Europe.TrivialMessage The basic trivial message, with just a name.UnloadGoodsMessage The message sent when unloading goods.UpdateGameOptionsMessage The message sent to update the game options.UpdateMapGeneratorOptionsMessage The message sent to update the map generator options.UpdateMessage The message sent to update game objects.UpdateServerMessage The message sent to update a server in the meta-server.UpdateTradeRouteMessage The message sent when updating a trade route.VacantPlayersMessage The message sent to discover vacant players in a game.WorkMessage The message sent to handle changes in work location.WrapperMessage A wrapper message. -
Enum Summary Enum Description ChangeSet.SeeCheck Result of a visibility check.Message.MessagePriority